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Team Members

Ms. Elana

Ms. Elana

Lead Teacher

Originally from Oahu, Hawaii, Ms. Elana has been calling San Francisco home for over 7 years. In 2021, she received her early childhood education teaching certificate from City College of San Francisco

Ms. Taya

Ms. Taya

Lead Teacher

Ms. Taya was born and raised in Ukraine. She spent my childhood travelling with my parents all over Europe.

Ms. Tanja

Ms. Tanja

Lead Teacher

Ms. Tanja has over 20
years’ experience working in pre-school education, primarily in a Montessori
environment and holds
a Montessori diploma in
early childhood education
(ages 3-6).

Ms. Corie

Ms. Corie

Assistant Teacher (Senior)

Ms. Corie is a senior assistant teacher in our toddler program at MHoC.
Having worked for MHoC for over 10 years, she has shown a steady love and commitment towards working with very young children.

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